Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Explosive beginning

We've had a great first day together. Jack-Jack woke at 4.30am, but settled again at 6.10am for another two hours so he didn't do too badly. Me on the other hand - I'd be surprised if I got an hour's sleep! I couldn't believe there was a little one finally sleeping in the cot we put together so many weeks ago, and I lay there just listening to him breathe. I'm sure the novelty will wear off at some point, but it was mesmerising.

Jack was very patient with us, bless him. He doesn't like to be dressed or undressed at all, and aside from the usual, he had to endure two extra outfit changes today. One, because we were naive enough to think that any surplus food, when being spooned into a baby's mouth, would neatly stay on the bib (breakfast in PJs tomorrow!), and two because no one could have anticipated the world's most epic poo that happened in the GP's waiting room today. Who would have thought we'd have needed to take a whole clean outfit with us when walking 10 minutes from the house! We did of course have clean nappies etc. and Jack-Jack was so pleased with himself that he fell asleep on the way home, wearing nothing but a fleece snowsuit and socks.

He is a smiley, happy, cuddly delight of a baby who is a joy to take care of, and we look forward to getting to know him better over the coming weeks and months. Esmeralda is back at work tomorrow, but Jane is coming to visit in the afternoon, along with Jack-Jack's social worker who will hopefully be able to give us some more information about what's due to happen with family contact arrangements and his more long-term future.

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