Monday, 4 February 2013

Sensory experiences

Thanks to everyone who sent an encouraging text or email after reading my last post, I really appreciate it and it's lovely that so many people are reading this blog. Jack-Jack was much calmer last night and we spent a quiet day at home with lots of sensory play - inside playing with dry pasta and blowing bubbles, and outside in the garden on a rug in the sunshine exploring new textures and feeling the wind on our faces (which he loves - it's so funny, he closes his eyes and smiles as the wind blows his hair around, I got some excellent photos!) I've been looking up ideas for other sensory activities that aren't dependent on babies not putting things in their mouths (which rules out rice/beans, shaving foam, play dough, sand, paint etc.) and it all seems mostly textiles based, like touchy feely books, which just doesn't seem as fun! I've compromised by making Jack-Jack some sensory pots this evening - two with different colours of glitter/shiny stars and water, one with multicoloured feathers, one with beads and pom poms, and one with pasta. I'm looking forward to seeing what he makes of them tomorrow!

My mum is coming over tomorrow whilst Esmeralda is at work, and we're planning to take Jack-Jack swimming. No idea whether he's ever been before, so we're not sure how he'll feel about it - the local pool is a bit bigger than the kitchen sink where he normally takes his baths!

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